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Maulee and Max presenting at 2023 Biophysical Society | Dr. Esfandiari as a panelist at ISEV 2023 | @ Biophysical Society 2023 | Visit with Dr. Schmidt at UCLA | Maulee at ISEV 2023 | UC BME @ 2022 BMES | Celebrating Ann's graduation | The first generation of Scientist from the Esfandiari Lab | Lab outing at Ault Park |
Tenured! 2021 | Micro-and Nanotechnologies for Medicine Conference Dinner | Celebrating Ankit's Graduation | The Joy of a new equipment | Microfludics Congress, Philadelphia, PA | Dr. Esfandiari giving a talk at University of Victoria Wellington, NZ | Meeting collaborators at MicroTAS meeting | Yuqian presenting her work at Graduate Student Expo | Leilei presenting his work at UC Graduate Student Expo |
Training Tiffiny-WISE Program | Yuqian presenting at Biophysical Society meeting | Dr. Esfandiari giving a talk at IEEE Nano | NSF-CADMIM meeting | Microscopy Training | Dr. Esfandiari giving a talk at ISEV meeting | Kathrine and Tiffany working side by side | Leilei presenting at Biophysical Society meeting | Yuqian training Ben, the summer high school student |
Yuqian presenting her work at MicroTAS meeting | Ankit, Yuqian and Leilei are presenting at UC Sensor Retreat | Leilei presenting at BMES | Dr. Esfandiari visiting Tokyo Institute of Technology | Meeting the former provost at Chinese New Year Celebration Event UC | Holidays Party | Meeting our former president at UC | Celebrating our published research | Playing with a 3D bioprinter before Thanksgiving |
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